Early Entrance Program Alumni Network

EEPAN Banner with EEP alumni at San Antonio Winery 2019.


The Early Entrance Alumni Network (EEPAN), in collaboration with the Early Entrance Program and Honors, develops and implements initiatives that benefit EEP students, EEP alumni, and Cal State LA. EEPAN aims to support the academic, professional, and personal development of EEP students and alumni by providing opportunities for mentorship, recruitment, advocacy, and socializing. EEPAN members engage in these aims through a shared value of inquiry and discovery, creative and critical thinking, community and civic engagement, and the vital role in the continued success and growth of the Early Entrance Program.

All alumni, current students, staff, and faculty are invited to join any of our alumni networks.

Network Leadership

Headshot of Dr. Amy Wat, Class of 2012

Amy Wat ('12), PhD, Chair
Postdoctoral Research Staff Member, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr. Amy Wat is one of the founding members of the Early Entrance Program Alumni Network and has been a dedicated advocate and member since its inception. Amy conducts research on ultra-high temperature ceramics and bioinspired ceramic-metal composites in the Materials Sciences Division at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a Department of Energy federal research facility. She earned her Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering at Cal State LA and a Master's of Science/PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. As a professional scholar, Dr. Wat has been published by numerous peer-reviewed academic journals, lectured at Cal State LA and UC Berkeley, and presented at industry conferences. Click here to learn more about Amy.


Headshot of James Walker, Class of 2001 and 2004

James Walker ('01, 04), Co-Chair
Engineering Geologist, California Department of Water Resources

James Walker is a double alumnus, earning his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Geology from Cal State LA. He is a professional geologist with over fifteen years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. As a project task manager, his expertise is in the characterization and remediation of physical sites that have been impacted by chemical releases. He has primarily served clients in the private sector, including aerospace, oilfield, manufacturing, power, and property management. While serving the public sector, James has worked with both state and municipal entities. Click here to learn more about James.

Connect with Amy and James on the Cal State LA Alumni Mentoring platform. You will be asked to complete your profile if you have not already joined.


Cal State LA Alumni Association Conference 2021 - People, Purpose, and Passion

People, Purpose, & Passion:
A Virtual Professional Development and Networking Conference
Thursday, May 6, 2021 | 5:30-7:00 p.m. (PT)
via Zoom Meeting


The Circle of EEP: Cultivating the Next Generation of Early Entrance Program Graduates
Presented by Andrea Arias, Ed.D. // Assistant Director, Early Entrance Program at Cal State LA

The Early Entrance Program afforded us unique opportunities, lifelong relationships, and mental tools to leverage our gifts. Let's bring it full circle and help the next generation! New network leaders, Dr. Amy Wat ('12) and James Walker ('01, '04) hope you will join us to reunite, learn about exciting updates regarding today's Early Entrance Program, and discover ways to get involved with other alums and current EEP students.


EEP Reunion 2019.
EEP Reunion 2019
Saturday, May 4, 2019
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
San Antonio Winery
737 Lamar St, Los Angeles, CA 90031

Connect with Us

Have an idea for a networking mixer, workshop, or seminar? Learn more about the network, or how to get involved and email us at [email protected].



Join the Network

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